APC CS650 Issue
 Problem Diagnosis   Started by Colin Andrews   2023-09-30 12:56:10 +01:00   Comments: 4    Viewed: 587

  1. Colin Andrews
    Colin Andrews Member Basingstoke
    I have an APC CS650, the Yuasa battery is about three years old. Last week it started producing a double chirp every 5 seconds and flashing all three LEDs (On Battery, Overload & Replace Battery). I removed the battery which was below 10V, charged it with a separate charger and re-installed the battery. After about a week it has started chirping again...

    Is the unit faulty or the battery worn out?
    Colin Andrews, 2023-09-30 12:56:10 +01:00
  2. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington
    Howdy, thanks for your email.

    The cell being below 10VDC was indicating 2 possibilities, one a dead cell that the UPS couldnt charge, or the UPS charger being broken and not able to charge the cell.

    Looking for a manual to see what the chirp noise and all 3 lights flashing is.


    My initial thought is that the noise is what I'd expect if the UPS was asking for a new battery due to the old one being dead, but In that case I'd expect only the red replace cell LED to be lit. In support of the dead battery idea is that it only appeared again after a week and then the UPS did its self test, found a dead cell (or uncharged cell) and started complaining.

    There is no way to be certain. However we can still help. If you order a cell from us - you can go for either the 9AH or 7AH



    you can put that into your UPS - if it fixes things, GOOD you've gone for the lowest cost solution.

    If it does not fix it, come back to us and we'll sell you a UPS core at the price of the UPS minus the cell pack that you have already bought so you are not left without a solution. The only extra cost for this is that you would pay shipping separately on the UPS and the cellpack.

    If you are short on time, you can just go straight for the UPS as they are releatively cheap.

    BR - Nathan

    NB-23, 2023-10-02 11:05:22 +01:00
  3. Colin Andrews
    Colin Andrews Member Basingstoke

     Thanks for the advice, I will try the battery solution and see what happens.

    Colin Andrews, 2023-10-03 12:23:20 +01:00
  4. Colin Andrews
    Colin Andrews Member Basingstoke
    I returned home yesterday to find that the power from the UPS was down, there were no lights showing on the front and the UPS was making a quiet high pitched sound. The front button didn't do anything, so it looks like the UPS unit has failed. Can I take up your offer to buy an equivalent UPS as my BK650EI which can use the battery I have already purchased. Thanks.
    Colin Andrews, 2023-10-15 10:47:14 +01:00
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