Loose battery items. These are the individual raw batteries that we stock and use to build our battery packs and rebuild the cell stores in the UPS we sell.
Brand new 12v 7AH cell, called APCRBCV210 and used in many UPS types, and to rebuild the cell packs used inside UPS
Brand new 12v 7AH cell, called RBC1 and used in APC BR550gi / BX700UI / BE550g-uk / BX650ci models amongst others
Brand new 12v 5AH cell, perfect for rebuilding UPS BX500ci This is Type-B - it has different dimensions from the more common 5AH that is a cube shape. The capacity is the same.
Brand new 12v 9AH cell, called RBC17 and used in APC Back UPS ES BE700G Back UPS ES BE700-UKBack UPS ES BE850M2Back UPS ES BE850G2-UKBack UPS BX950UI
Brand new 12v 9AH cell, called RBC2 and used in APC BK350/500/650ei models
Brand new 12v 12AH cell, perfect for rebuilding UPS battery banks.
Brand new 12v 17AH cell, perfect for rebuilding UPS battery banks.
Brand new 12v 18AH cell, perfect for rebuilding UPS battery banks.
Brand new 12v 4.5AH cell, perfect for rebuilding UPS battery banks.
Brand new 12v 5AH cell, perfect for rebuilding UPS battery banks.
Brand new 12v 5AH cell, perfect for rebuilding UPS battery banks. This is Type-B - it has different dimensions from the more common 5AH that is a cube shape. The capacity is the same.
Brand new 12v 7AH cell, perfect for rebuilding UPS battery banks.These have a very competitive price as they are highly optimised in the Ritar production plant and require minimal human intervention.
Brand new 12v 7.2AH cell, perfect for rebuilding UPS battery banks.
Brand new 12v 9AH cell, perfect for rebuilding UPS battery banks.
-----[ UPS-Trader ]---------
15 Grosvenor Grange / Warrington / WA1 4SF
Email: shop@ups-trader.co.uk