Looking for a LIPO USP for a 550W load
 General questions - what UPS fits best for your use?   Started by RobW   2025-03-10 11:50:23 +00:00   Comments: 2    Viewed: 26

  1. RobW
    RobW Member

    Hi looking for a replacement UPS for an APC Smart-UPS 1000 (needs to be confirmed, maybe a 1500).

    Been looking for a LIPO one just as we seem to have been replacing the Batteries every 2 years in this one and its seen better days, this time it looks like the UPS is more termaial so a battery replacement is not possible. 

    Any advice on a good fit?

    Does not need to be a tower or a rack (either works) looks unimportant (can be missing the front bezel), LIPO, 600W ish,  Eco mode / Green mode would be good just this one seems to eat power. Eg one that does not need double conversion unless needed. 



    RobW, 2025-03-10 11:50:23 +00:00
  2. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington

    LIPO UPS have not stared coming through to us yet.
    The costs might be prohibitive too. LIPO cells have a lower permissible discharge current, so you need more, and they cost more. You are right that they last longer, but does the cost of replacing the lead acid type cells exceed the one off cost of a LIPO with 10 year design life? 

    You should be getting more than 2 years between battery chagnes. We say 3-6 years is normal. 
    The colder the environment, the better the lifespan.

    Simple 1000VA tower


    Similar but SMT / LCD range that has green mode

    LCD 1000VA 2u rackmount 
    NB-23, 2025-03-10 13:17:04 +00:00
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