Warranty Support   Started by jason metcalfe   2025-01-07 09:52:14 +00:00   Comments: 6    Viewed: 95

  1. Hi ,
    I may have an issue with my SUA2200rmxli3u . It's been running fine since purchase in October and handled several short power blips without issue . But then at the end of December, it's started to have some issues.  I've included logs below

    4246_1736241927_UPS error.png
     On the 20 Dec there was an 'output power turned off' logged and it knocked my POE switch off as it actually 'flickered' on and off during that time. I pushed all power cables home and 'Self test' passed so put it down to maybe loose lead(s). But then it did it again on the 26th with a lot more happening this time. I was just getting round to contacting you (once Xmas out the way) when unit did something similar just a few days ago. I've checked my server iDrac logs and power usage has been consistant, total load on UPS is around 20-25% . I've also checked back through house voltage and data and incoming voltage has flucuated between a min of 231.7v and a max of  237.5v during this time so . The UPS voltage settings are 'high transfer' 253v and 'low transfer'  208v with sensitivity set 'high' and 'rated output' at 230v.
    I ran a self test this morning (07/01) and it has passed so 'Battery Charger fault exists' error has cleared, but suspect something similar like above is  going to occur again.

    any help or advice gratefully recieved. If you need any more info or would like me to test anything, just let me know.

    Br Jason
    jason metcalfe, 2025-01-07 09:52:14 +00:00
  2. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington
    NB-23, 2025-01-07 10:31:35 +00:00
  3. Hi,

    No not touched the network card, why is it worth reseating that. Would that cause any of the issues seen? I can power down UPS to try if needed, It's a home network so no trouble. Depending where the sticker was put I might have to pull the UPS out of the rack anyway.
    jason metcalfe, 2025-01-08 14:00:28 +00:00
  4. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington

    Please send the warranty label photo when you've found it.

    I'm not sure what type of UPS it is yet.
    Is it SUA2200rmxli3u?

    There are a few issues I could see

    1/ Card rebooted (possibly due to depleted power)
    2/ Charger fault reported (but seemingly not the case)
    3/ Output power turned off/on in short succession 
    4/ UPS reported being overloaded (but you say its not)

    My thought was - these are disparate problems. It sounded a bit like a fault in signalling, but going against that is that you said its actually flickering on and off.

    Is the UPS supporting a test load when you pull the mains cable?
    Does the web interface indicate any faults?
    Is the UPS fault LED lit?
    NB-23, 2025-01-08 14:44:35 +00:00
  5. Hi ya,

    Just wanted to say exchanged UPS is working fine, perfectly handled several power dips and outages during the storms the other week. So all is looking good.

    Thank you for the for the quick exchange of the other unit and prompt replys to all the emails, your service has been outstanding.


    jason metcalfe, 2025-02-03 11:25:14 +00:00
  6. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington
    Howdy Jason

    This is what we like to hear!
    Things doesn't always go perfectly to plan, but we're here to help when things go wrong.

    Thank you for your calm approach and working with me to nail this problem

    NB-23, 2025-02-03 11:30:23 +00:00
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