UPS not working on arrival.
 Warranty Support   Started by Howard Bellis   2024-12-06 13:25:06 +00:00   Comments: 6    Viewed: 122

  1. Howard Bellis
    Howard Bellis Member
    Good morning.

    Order Reference U-007791 - placed on 02/12/2024

    My UPS has finally arrived this morning, but it will not switch on.

    I have plugged in the battery isolation plug.

    I have tried 2 power leads and can hear the transformer buzzing.

    It just will not turn on.  The display panel is dead.

    I have emailed 3 times over the last 2 days.  I have had no response.

    Can we talk on the phone please?

    My phone number is on the account.


    Howard Bellis
    Howard Bellis, 2024-12-06 13:25:06 +00:00
  2. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington
    Howdy Howard

    Thanks for making this post. We've not had an email from you, or its been spammed. 
    We dont offer a phone service - you'll see details of why not here:

    I'll respond here and then try to find your email and forward it that way too.

    OK the UPS is SMC1500i tower UPS
    you say you have tried two power leads
    and you have plugged in the battery isolator.

    This covers the basics.
    Noting you are hearing a hum so its not stone cold dead.

    If you are happy to do so can you take the front of and check
    1/ The ribbon cable to the LCD panel is attached OK.
    2/ Inside the battery flap, are the battery leads all securely attached. 

    You can also share a video of whats going on. I'll show it to the warehouse and we might might spot something that you have not seen.

    If nothing comes from that we'll be moving to swap this out for you so we can investigate further our side.

    Last thought, take the battery isolator out again, and look into the reciever. Check the pins are still there. They can be  pushed backwards and not be mating with the male connector when its plugged in.

    I'll look for your email now.
    NB-23, 2024-12-06 15:12:13 +00:00
  3. Howard Bellis
    Howard Bellis Member
    Hi Nathan.
    There was a half circuit board floating below the circuit board that the lcd panel connects to.   I pushed it back up and it appears to be working now.
    Is that a common problem in transit?   Will it keep working?
    Howard Bellis, 2024-12-06 17:40:36 +00:00
  4. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington
    Hi Harold,

    Thank you for investigating.

    At first I thought it was the front mounted LCD panel that you had found a loose cable on, but now think its the daughter board that sits inside the UPS, under the main board and near where the LCD ribbon goes. I'll open one and take photos and add below.

    I think it was just vibration in transit that worked it loose, and that will be it. I note APC only use two retainer posts rather than 4x, but they do have separating pins to supposedly lock in place. Were these still holding?

    There is the 12 month warranty to fall back on.

    We will also get these small boards in stock when we scrap units. I can ship one out to you free of charge if you'd like one on the shelf,but I think you're in the clear now. 

    I'm going to refund you £20 to say thank you for taking the time it took to investigate your side.

    NB-23, 2024-12-09 08:47:22 +00:00
  5. Howard Bellis
    Howard Bellis Member
    Hi Nathan.

    It was just hang down off the front right post.   I pushed it back on the white support post and it is working fine now.

    Thanks for refunding me.

    Howard Bellis, 2024-12-09 08:59:54 +00:00
  6. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington
    My pleasure.
    My best guess is that the left side split riser (white thing) was never fully pushed through and locked. 
    Let me know if it gives you any more trouble
    Seasons greetings -NB
    NB-23, 2024-12-09 09:08:40 +00:00
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