I Need Advice on Selecting a Reliable UPS
 General questions - what UPS fits best for your use?   Started by Alex marshal   2024-11-25 06:41:59 +00:00   Comments: 3    Viewed: 177

  1. Alex marshal
    Alex marshal Member
    Hello there,

    I am new to the world of Uninterruptible Power Supplies  and could really use some guidance from the experienced members here. I run a small business that operates a combination of essential IT equipment; including a server; a couple of desktops; and some network switches. Ensuring continuity during power outages has become critical; especially with the increasing frequency of interruptions in our area.

    I have been exploring the options available but find myself a bit overwhelmed by the range of choices; from basic standby models to more advanced online double-conversion systems.

    My budget is not huge to be honest but I am willing to invest in something reliable that provides decent runtime and protects the equipment from power surges.

    Also, I have gone through this post; https://secure.ups-trader.co.uk/Forum/topic/20-general-questions-what-minitab-fits-best-for-your-use.html which definitely helped me outa lot.

    Lastly, if there are any pitfalls I should watch out for during installation or maintenance, please let me know.

    Thanks in advance for your help and assistance
    Alex marshal, 2024-11-25 06:41:59 +00:00
  2. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington
    Howdy Alex

    reading and pondering.
    Yep the website is quite broad, there is more than one UPS choice for each person/use. It makes it too hard to order, just like a restaurant with 1000 things rather than 20. Happy to help.

    I'm not sure of your use, how long you want it to run or what wattage your devices will add up to, so lets start with what I have on my desk right now - SUA1000i, actually the IBM version, but its been there years, is quiet, reliable, takes new cells every 3-6 years, which are cheap and easy to replace.

    If your load is say 100W it would give a runtime of about and hour and half.

    It has a USB comms port so you can let your OS know about it for auto shutdown on power failure.

    Its a great point to start, let me know if something doesnt fit and I'll have another go!



    NB-23, 2024-11-25 12:14:37 +00:00
  3. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington
    I forgot to reply about tips/pitfalls

    the UPS are designed to be plugged in and turned on all the time (maintaining their battery).
    If you are turning off overnight thats OK, press and hold the off button till you hear a clunk.
    If you are leaving it off longer or storing, remove the rear battery isolator plug  (triangular shaped thing top right on the rear, image follows)
    This protects the cells from long term drain.

    The cooler the environment the longer the cells will last. There is probably not much you can do about this, but its worth knowing.

    NB-23, 2024-11-25 12:16:53 +00:00
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