APC Smart UPS 1500
 Warranty Support   Started by DeeCee   2024-10-02 09:46:28 +01:00   Comments: 6    Viewed: 169

  1. DeeCee
    DeeCee Member
    Hello, I fitted some new batteries from you yesterday. The charge voltage shows all green lights but the replace battery light is still on and the alarm keeps sounding. I seem to remember having the same problem several years ago and you advised that pushing the batteries in place may have dislodged a connection but I cannot remember how or where to look to fix it. Thanks
    DeeCee, 2024-10-02 09:46:28 +01:00
  2. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington

    Thanks for messaging. Checking what you ordered. OK it was 2x cells presumably to rebuild your RBC7 kit. Things to check!

    1/ Get the cell out and check your work. 
    - Is the fuse blown?
    - Are the bolts on the terminals tight?

    2/ Check the grey plug from the cell is fully mated with the one on the UPS side. These take some force to push together

    3/ Check the UPS rear mounted DC isolator (triangular plug) is fully in

    4/ Remove the  DC isolator plug, and look in to check that the recieving slots are not pushed back out or damaged.

    If all that looks OK put a test load on and pull the mains power to see if the UPS supports the load. Its probably just the UPS has not realised its got new cells yet - but you should checkthe above first.

    Please post back which it is! If I'm guessing all is OK and when you pull the wall power the UPS supports the load, and when you give it mains again, the problem is solved. 

    FYI We have about 1/4000 cell failure rate after transit, so it could be that!
    NB-23, 2024-10-02 11:10:49 +01:00
  3. DeeCee
    DeeCee Member
    1 to 4 all good
    Also checked battery voltage, 27.4v whilst disconnected from UPS.
    When power switched off it supported the load of 2 computers and phone, card machine and printer. Switched back on after a minute. Battery voltage lights now only 1 lit instead of 5. Red replace battery light still on.
    I'll check status again later, Closed tomorrow, can check again Friday morning and see if anything has changed.
    DeeCee, 2024-10-02 14:19:41 +01:00
  4. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington
    OK you might need to do a full drop discharge.

    attach a load that you dont mind dropping (I'd use a 400W halogen on this type of UPS) and pull the mains plug. Time how long it lasts. When it turns off the load, dont touch for circa 10 minutes. You might hear a relay click open. After that you can plug in the mains and turn the UPS back on. That point when the relay clicked the UPS will (hopefully, its 4 times in 5) reset its internal battery constant.

    You can use your multimeter to measure the cell voltages while discharging if you have the battery out but plugged in. Try to measure them individually rather than as a 2x cell string.
    NB-23, 2024-10-02 14:24:21 +01:00
  5. DeeCee
    DeeCee Member
    Just to let you know. Sat afternoon I used a 500w drill to run it down in about 3 minutes. Then plugged it back in again. This morning all looks well. No red battery light and the charge level is at 5 green lights. Fingers crossed that has sorted the issue.
    Once again thanks for your help.
    DeeCee, 2024-10-07 08:48:02 +01:00
  6. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington

    a drill is hard for a UPS because of its natural inrush, but it seems all went well and the UPS now has realised its got a new battery. Thank you for doing some investigating + testing your side
    We're here if you need us

    NB-23, 2024-10-07 10:39:58 +01:00
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