APC SMT22001 and NUT
 Problem Diagnosis   Started by Richard_in_Edin   2023-12-08 13:51:18 +00:00   Comments: 3    Viewed: 659

  1. How to connect a remote host running NUT?
    Richard_in_Edin, 2023-12-08 13:51:18 +00:00
  2. /modules/xenforum/uploads/3689_1702044479_battery_test.png /modules/xenforum/uploads/3689_1702044479_battery_test.png Nathan provided valuable insight when I enquired about connecting a remote host running the open source Network UPS Tools to an APC UPS, specifically the SMT2200i.

    Now that I've done this, I can report that it is entirely straightforward.  It just didn't feel like it at the time.

    There are at least two ways to physically connect a 2200i to the host.  Either the RJ45 outlet on the 2200i can be used, or the USB outlet (mini USB).  I couldn't get the former to work, but the mini USB-USB is fine.

    My remote host runs Home Assistant (Yellow) on a Pi4.  Installing the HA add-on for NUT is easy -- just take the defaults.  This invokes the driver "usbhid-ups".  One the add-on is started, the NUT logfile should confirm what USB devices have been connected-

    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 051d:0003 American Power Conversion UPS
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1a40:0101 Terminus Technology Inc. Hub
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

    The next step is to restart HA and run the NUT integration.   However, the setup screen for the integration contains two gotchas.  First of all, the local host name should be given as a0d7b954-nut.  I don't know why.  And second, the username and password are requested -- these are the details from the NUT add-on.  But if you enter them, the integration won't connect.

    It turns out that you need to enter a blank password (i.e. a zero-length string), not the real thing.  Sigh.

    After that, various UPS parameters are available in Home Assistant.  As a test, I switched off the mains supply to the UPS at 09:15 and left it for three hours (no load).  Then switched the mains back on -- see attached image.
    Richard_in_Edin, 2023-12-08 14:09:48 +00:00
  3. NB-23
    NB-23 Member Warrington
    Howdy Richard

    Thank you very much for this how to. I am sure that other people will find this of value.

    Your comment about how it is straight forward, but not the first time you try it sums things up very well. You only know when you know!

    I'm going to embed the photo you have from the system now it is set up.

    NB-23, 2023-12-08 14:22:56 +00:00
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